The Number One Currency Writers Lose More Than Money

Alexandria Ducksworth
3 min readDec 16, 2020
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Money is not everything. Sure, it’s great for paying bills and shopping at Whole Foods, but it’s not everything. Let me explain:

Writers write to make money. They get paid for the work they do. The more projects they complete, the better. However, the amount of money a writer makes entirely depends on one crucial component: energy. You don’t get anything if you don’t put any energy into it.

Most writers can lose tremendous amounts of energy for many reasons. Procrastination and fears are major energy suckers. On the other hand, your family and 9–5 jobs are non-negotiable energy suckers. You can’t drop them like an old hat so you can spend more energy on your latest book.

How to Maintain Your Writing Energy

If you want to keep the most of your writing energy as much as possible, you must sacrifice what’s not leading you to your writing goals. This is how you do it:

(KEY: Each arrow represents where your energy is going)

Writers with tons of distractions under their belt may look like this:

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